Jan 3, 2012

Pretty little liars

Oh my gosh i love the newest episode of pll! I was waiting for it for a really long time and now everything continues. Ura!!!!! I'm so excited!

I started watching pretty little liars when i had nothing to do one weekend. Rutaah was always talking about these series and i was kinda sick of them, 'cause i don't prefer watching things like that, but now i'm really thankful for her. I watched all the episodes in 3 days, i guess. Yes, i really had nothing to do that weekend. Anyway, i really got interested in pll, they just have something that keeps me waiting for new episodes. I don't want to sound like some teenage girl addicted to tv series, so i think i'm gonna stop writing right here :D and if you haven't watched pretty little liars yet, you better go and watch it!