January 13. It's a very important day for Lithuania. At the night of January 13 the Soviet Union attacked an enormous crowd of lithuanians who were determined to protect our country from enemies. Soviet soldiers broke the barricades and then they were met by thousands of unarmed people , but it wasn't a trouble to do what they wanted. They were chrushing the people with tanks and shooting at them...
13 people were killed by the Soviet soldiers. Also, more than 700 people were injured. I can't perceive how people can be so full of aggression...
Now January 13 is named as Day of Freedom Defenders. It's difficult to say whether Lithuania would be the same Lithuania as today without those kind, patriotic and fearless people who defended our country. Would we be free? Would we speak in our beautiful lithuanian language? Would we have the same opportunities as today? Lots of questions which can't be answered, so i want to say for all the lithuanians who's reading this - LOVE OUR COUNTRY.